
Healthy Horizons Clinic
Board Certified Family Medicine & Pediatrics located in Pasadena, TX
Vaccines offer protection against certain diseases by teaching your immune system to recognize the threat. At Healthy Horizons Clinic in Pasadena, Texas, Haala Hai, DO, and Afroze Hai, MD, offer all of the vaccines you and your children need, including the COVID-19 vaccine and its boosters. To book a visit, call the office or use the online scheduling tool today.
Vaccines Q & A
What are vaccines?
Vaccines are injectable shots that you get to prevent specific infectious diseases. These diseases tend to spread easily and are due to viruses and bacteria.
Each vaccine includes an inactive form of the virus or bacteria it protects against. They can also contain proteins or toxins from the pathogen.
By exposing your immune system to these harmless forms of the illness, you give it the opportunity to develop antibodies against the disease so it can protect you from a future infection.
Most vaccines include an initial dose and a booster shot. Some require third or even fourth doses, while others (like the flu) require yearly updates depending on which strains of the virus are most active at the time.
Which vaccines can I get?
The recommended vaccination schedule starts in infancy. Just a few days after birth, a newborn can start getting vaccines against illnesses that used to spread rapidly among the population.
Currently, there are vaccines available for these infectious diseases:
- Measles, mumps, and rubella
- Polio
- Rotavirus
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- Meningococcal
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Varicella
- COVID-19
- Yearly active strains of influenza
Your providers at Healthy Horizons Clinic let you know the best time to get your vaccines. For the yearly flu vaccine, the best time to get your shot is around September or October before flu season begins in late fall.
Are vaccines safe?
Some people question whether some or all vaccines are safe. Vaccines go through rigorous testing and trials before they are available to the public. Your physician at Healthy Horizons Clinic can tell you more about the testing process for vaccines if you have questions.
What happens if I can’t get a vaccine?
Some people can’t safely get certain vaccines because of underlying health concerns. Fortunately, immunization is a process that benefits everyone, including those who can’t get a certain vaccine.
Herd immunity happens when enough people in a population get a specific vaccine and eradicate it — or nearly eradicate it — from their community. That happens because the pathogen doesn’t have enough people to use as spreaders. Herd immunity protects everyone.
If you’d like to learn more about the recommended vaccine schedule for children or update your own vaccines, call Healthy Horizons Clinic for an appointment or use the online scheduling tool today.
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